Saturday, December 8, 2012

Moosonee Bound!!

We found out where he's being posted today: It's Moosonee and Moose Factory!! Woohoo!! I mean, we would have taken just about anything, but Moosonee was what we were really really hoping for! Yippee!! It's only a part time position, which makes me a little nervous, but even so he'll be making more money than we were here, and there's more opportunities for me to be working in Moosonee than some of the smaller communities. And as a part timer, because of the proximity between the Moosonee and Moose Factory bases, he can pick up shifts in either place. More chances of being busy. Awesome!
Now we just have to figure out the living accommodations, which he assures me he's working on. I wish I was up there right now to experience it all with him. I can't wait to see our future town.

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